Graffiti: the first magical neighborhood

In the center of a small neighborhood located in the city of Pachuca, Hidalgo, the largest graffiti mural in all of Mexico.


The collective effort has created jobs, reduced youth violence and instilled a sense of community spirit, turning Las Palmitas into what the project leaders have dubbed the “first magical neighborhood”.

Leading the project was the independent Mexican collective the Germen Crew (Seed Crew), composed of urban artists specializing in graffiti art, mural painting and audiovisual documentary. A group which, through public and street art, aims to give new meaning to public spaces and restore social fabric for the benefit of communities.

Their Facebook page …

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Entrevista con la pintora animalista Alejandra Vazquez

El retrato de tu mascota puede salvar a un animal herido o abandonado…

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Entrevista con el pintor narrativo Francesco Daberdaku


Acerca de sus obras, la crítica ha escrito: «Es un tipo de pintura sin igual, una clase de representación que no puede ser catalogada». Lo apodaron ‘pintor de la ironía’ por su pintura figurativa.

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